Sunday, February 8, 2009

Time Flies

Another week of school has come and gone, it started last weekend with me worried if I could balance and keep up with the amount of work I was being given outside the classroom. That became a secondary worry when last weekend I came down with the flu, missing two days of classes and feeling even further behind.

I used the two days to rest and catch up and all seems to be good now. This past week I even had my first Algebra exam and made a 95%. While I am trying to be thankful, I am irritated that I did not ace it. I am sure my mistakes were oversights and carelessness, I must stay more focused. Also this past week my Developmental Writing teacher, Ms. Crews, gave me positive praise on one of my first essays. That was a much needed boost to my academic self esteem.

While she liked my writing, I am having a hell of a time with prepositional phrases. I plan on spending several hours on them today and tomorrow before my Tuesday class. I want to be able to go into class and OWN all parts of a sentence. All in time.

I read further in my "On Course" text for Mrs Harris class and this is my second journal entry. I was hoping to have others, more personal ones about my growth while going to school, but I have discovered that time is a luxury and there is only so much to go around. As I say that I look over at 3 loads of laundry to get done, my hair that needs cut, a kitchen to be cleaned and I will be in Chicago next weekend. There is no time for dallying about this week!

My book text ask me to "write a list of 10 or more of your personal strengths".

  1. My ability to regroup and re-invent myself to adapt to a situation
  2. I am a quick study, absorbing and processing information fast
  3. I enjoy and am good at cooking
  4. I gracefully take responsibility for my mistakes
  5. When needed, for business or otherwise, I can be exceedingly charming.
  6. I have a wickedly delicious humor.
  7. I am a giving caring person and good friend.
  8. Fiercely loyal.
  9. I can identify a need and fill it.
  10. Tech Savvy.
"Write a list of 10 or more of your personal weaknesses".
  1. I am weak in long division
  2. I would like to make more time to stay in shape.
  3. Procrastination.
  4. I have a hard time remembering peoples name.
  5. I am too hard on myself regarding my appearance.
  6. Crown Royal.
  7. Money Management.
  8. I hate going to the dentist.
  9. Starting a project and following through to the end.
  10. Living beyond my means.
Using the information in Steps 1 and 2 and score #8 on your self assessment write about the present state of your self-esteem.

My father is an extremely negative person, I do not think he takes a sick secret joy in telling me what I cannot accomplish, but he has spent most of his life doing so. With some emotional expense, I have always overcome this. Going back to school as a student, I left a stylish loft at Victory Park to live with him to save money - and again as if I were still a teenager, he belittles me with a sarcastic meanness I would not wish on anyone. Sometimes it can get to me, when I am tired or hungry or such, but most of the time I can let it slide or (even better) call him on it.

I would say my self esteem is strong and in tact. I rely on the closeness of several good friends, my better half, music and my ability to live laugh and learn to not let his cutting attitude bring me down.

My brother and mother can also be a source of judgmental condemnation. I just try to love them and have little expectations from them, if I can stay in that mind frame I am not ever disappointed.

For 13 years, right out of High School, I was a professional figure skater; skating with Ice Capades, Stars on Ice, shows in Las Vegas, opening ceremonies of Olympic Festival and shows at Radio City Music Hall with the Rockettes. When thirty thousand people are giving you a standing ovation it is hard to let the thoughts of small people effect you.

This weeks photo is a poster for a production of Steel Magnolias, the handsome man featured on the poster is focus of my affection; David Weeks. I look forward to spending Valentines Day weekend with him this week in Chicago.

1 comment:

Elena said...

I've only just gotten to know you but I'm surprisingly not surprised by what you've revealed in these lines.
Just confirming the similarities we share, to the extent that I found myself actually blushing when your feelings hit too close to home.
I'm thrilled to have been the Bridge that will hopefully lead to a happy
(very difficult achievement) couple.
I wish you all the success in your studies though it's obvious you won't need it unless I continue to incessantly interrupt you w/ our "chat" sessions